smartGMA GMA | 25.01.2025 05:29z
25 Jan 0600z HF-SSB IK3SGL IFF-0409
de IK3SGL[qlh] Dipole and Kenwood 480sat. On air on 40-10m bands.
25 Jan 0800z CW OH6WX/P OHFF-0840
de OH6WXEstimated time
25 Jan 0900z SSB F/DH1WM/P FFF-0035
de DH1WM40-10m / also 2 x SOTA / QRV 0900-1000 and 1300-1400
25 Jan 1300z SSB OU7M/P OZFF-0118
de OZ7AEIUBA Contest - PSE RS(T) + seriel No / Other Calls will also be on the air
25 Jan 1700z 7-28-CW 21-28-FT8 K9PM/P KFF-4429
de K9PMCW, FT4 & FT8 modes
26 Jan 0000z SSB OU7M/P OZFF-0118
de OZ7AEIUBA Contest - PSE RS(T) + seriel No / Other Calls will also be on the air
01 Feb 0900z C5PL C5FF-0004
de LB0OGA few days in Gambia team: LB0OG, SP1FM, SQ1GU, SP1C