OL/MO-154 Dvorský vrch
valid period: 01-04-2012 until 31-12-2099
was SOTA reference OK/MO-044 from 01-05-2007 until 31-07-2020
SOTA was deleted on 31-07-2020 and the GMA reference OL/MO-154 has been issued
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wx : Ventusky
Reference Information
summit name Dvorský vrch height 569m
latitude (N/S) 49.87099838N
longitude (W/E) (GeoHack
Locator JN89UU29TA
today's sunrise 05:10 UTC
today's sunset 15:58 UTC
Activations & QSOs
last 2 of 2 Activations
Act Date Call QSOs
2 23-Aug-2017 OK2QA/P 23
1 21-Apr-2013 OK2VWB/P 19
42 QSOs
Band QSOs Percentage
40m 38 90.5%
30m 4 9.5%
Most QSOs
Date Call QSOs
23-Aug-2017 OK2QA/P 23
First Activation
Date Call QSOs
21-Apr-2013 OK2VWB/P 19
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