Example 1 - read_reference.php: GMA API Example " . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $submit = ""; $input = ""; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) $submit=$_POST['submit']; if (isset($_POST['input'] )) $input=strtoupper($_POST['input']); // S U B R O U T I N E S // fetches the information function ref_info($ref) { $url = 'https://www.cqgma.org/all_read.php?ref='.$ref; // Let's use cURL instead of file_get_contents // begin script $ch = curl_init(); // basic curl options for all requests curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // use the URL we built curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $ref_info = curl_exec($ch); // Close cURL handle curl_close($ch); return $ref_info; } // Input Form function input_form() { echo "

" . PHP_EOL; } // Main Routine if ($submit=="") { input_form(); } else { $handing = str_replace(' ','%20',$input); $json = ref_info($handing); /* echo "
"; var_dump(json_decode($json, true)); echo "
"; */ $reference = json_decode($json, true); if (($json == NULL) || (! isset($reference["reftype"]))) { echo "$input ⇒ No result found
" . PHP_EOL; echo "
"; echo "
"; input_form(); exit; } /* echo "
" . PHP_EOL; echo 'Last Error: ', json_last_error_msg(), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL; echo "
" . PHP_EOL; */ echo "

GMA Reference Information

" . PHP_EOL; echo $input . " is a " . $reference["reftype"] . "
"; echo "reference : " . $input . "
" . PHP_EOL; echo "name : " . $reference["name"] . "
" . PHP_EOL; echo "latitude : " . $reference["latitude"] . "
" . PHP_EOL; echo "longitude : " . $reference["longitude"] . "
" . PHP_EOL; echo "locator : " . $reference["locator"] . "
" . PHP_EOL; echo "
" . PHP_EOL; echo "

" . PHP_EOL; input_form(); } ?>